Convention Information


Hi, and welcome.

You’re probably looking at this page because I snapped some photos of you at a convention and you want to know more about what happens next, so allow me to help you.

“When will the photos be ready?”

I aim for a turnaround of ~2 weeks after a convention has ended, but in busy periods with back-to-back conventions, this can take longer.

“How can I get the photos?”

I will typically upload a public gallery to Facebook, but we all know that saving photos from Facebook is generally pretty terrible quality. So I also upload photos to Google Drive, which I can share with you if I have contact information for you.

“What is the best way to contact you?”

I’m most active on Instagram, so that is usually the best way to interact with me. I also have Facebook and Twitter, and the links for all of my social media can be found on this page. Check out my work, and give me a follow/say hi!

“Do I have to follow you to get my photos?”

Nah. I just like social media so I can put a name to a face, plus the whole reason I go to conventions and photograph strangers is I like meeting new people. I like hearing about the highlights of your weekend, or what you’re playing/watching these days. If I know who you are it makes it easier to provide you with edited photos but it’s definitely not necessary.